The premiere of the show “Trepidations / Antigen / Perfect Time” takes place on Friday, September 17, at 7:30 pm, at the Bucharest National Dance Center (CNDB), as part of PEARLS, PARADOXES AND ECSTASY theater festival, organized by TRIUMF AMIRIA . The Museum of Queer Culture [?], which begins today and runs from September 14 to September 19. “Trepidations / Antigen / Perfect Time” was created by the playwright and director Bogdan Georgescu and by Iris Horomnea / Dani Prisacariu / Ceza Bularca, the participants in the self-representation workshop for trans and non-binary people organized by TRIUMF AMIRIA. Queer Culture Museum [?] in late June – early July 2021.
“Trepidations / Antigen / Perfect Time”, directed by Bogdan Georgescu, consists of three plays written and performed by transgender and non-binary authors – fictions starting from lived realities, possible realities from dreamed fictions and everything that exists in between. The show will have two performances at the festival – both are sold out. A third performance will take place later during the year.
The cast includes Iris Horomnea, Dani Prisacariu, Ceza Bularca and Alexandru Chindriș. The stage set belongs to Irina Gâdiuță, and the music is composed by Alex Bălă.